Speech Language Videos

A picture may be worth a thousand words but in my opinion, a video is priceless. Below you will find a collection of videos that I have found valuable for both parents and professionals. I have added a brief description and key words beside each video to help guide you to the ones that may be of interest. I will be adding videos regularly, so please check back or follow SpeechAbility on Facebook and Pinterest for updates.

Late Talker: Help my toddler isn't talking! Is it a Delay?!?
Rozanne Isreal of Fun to Talk outlines the steps and considerations that speech language pathologists take when determining if a child is a typically developing late talker, has delayed language or has apraxia. This video will be of interest to parents and professionals who are unsure if their child 12 months to 3 years is experiencing a delay. As early speech and language abilities are the foundation on which later language and literacy skills are built, early intervention for children experiencing a speech or language delay is important.
Key words: Toddlers, Late Talker, Language Delay, Apraxia, Autism, ECE, Early Education teachers, parents, physicians
Length: 10:51
Research Update: Brain Development the First Five Years
JoAnn Deaks, PhD discusses the latest research on Brain Development 0-5 years. She discusses language differences including the importance of exposing boys to language activities and girls to visual spacial activities at a young age. She discusses the crucial learning periods-periods of neuronal proliferation and of neuronal pruning. If stimulation of these brain area including language centers do not occur during these critical periods, the neuronal pruning will be higher in these areas and limit later abilities.
Key Words: Maximizing brain development 0-5 years.
Length: 1 hour 6 minutes